研究表明,对数海龟会记住磁场,以便返回喂食地点。 Study reveals loggerhead sea turtles memorize magnetic fields to navigate back to feeding sites.
《自然》的一项新研究显示,对数海龟可以记住与食物来源相关的特定磁场,使他们能够在移徙后返回这些地点。 A new study in Nature shows loggerhead sea turtles can memorize specific magnetic fields linked to food sources, enabling them to return to those sites after migration. 当接触先前与喂食有关的磁场时,捕捉性海龟“舞动”。 Captive turtles "dance" when exposed to magnetic fields previously associated with feeding. 研究发现海龟使用两种磁系统——一种用于跟踪位置,另一种用于定向。 The study found turtles use two magnetic systems—one for tracking locations and another for orienting direction. 它还引起对无线电频率波扰乱其导航的担忧,建议减少在筑巢区附近的电子干扰,以保护海龟迁徙。 It also raises concerns about radio frequency waves disrupting their navigation, suggesting reduced electronic interference near nesting areas to protect turtle migration.