帮助在突尼斯海岸外受伤的龟头海龟, 进行海洋养护教育。 Floating rehab center aids injured loggerhead turtles off Tunisia's coast, educating on marine conservation.
突尼斯南部Kerkennah群岛设立了海龟(一种脆弱的物种)浮游康复中心。 A floating rehab center for loggerhead sea turtles, a vulnerable species, has been set up off the Kerkennah Islands in southern Tunisia. 这个地中海首创型设施使多达5只受伤的海龟能够在其天然盐水生境中恢复。 This first-of-its-kind Mediterranean facility allows up to five injured turtles to recover in their natural saltwater habitat. 该项目由联合国和欧盟资助,还作为一种教育工具,向学生讲授海洋养护以及气候变化、污染和过度捕捞对海龟的影响。 The project, funded by the UN and EU, also serves as an educational tool to teach students about marine conservation and the impacts of climate change, pollution, and overfishing on sea turtles.