12月,美国职位空缺下降到760万,标志着劳动力市场放缓。 US job openings dropped to 7.6 million in December, marking a slowdown in the labor market.
根据美国劳工统计局的数据,12 月美国职位空缺降至 760 万个,为 9 月以来的最低水平。 US job openings fell to 7.6 million in December, the lowest since September, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 这与11月的816万相比有所下降,这表明劳动力市场放缓,但仍然显示出良好数量的开放。 This is a drop from 8.16 million in November, indicating a slowing labor market but still showing a healthy number of openings. 该数字低于大多数经济学家的预测。 The figure was lower than most economists' predictions.