救援队在一架直升机坠毁后从波托马克号取回一架商用喷气式飞机,67人死亡。 Rescue teams retrieve most of a commercial jet from the Potomac after a crash with a helicopter, 67 dead.
救援人员在上周空中碰撞后, 将一架商用飞机的大部分从波托马克河附近的华盛顿里根国家机场移除. Salvage crews have removed a large portion of a commercial jet from the Potomac River near Washington's Reagan National Airport after a mid-air collision last week. 这次坠机事件涉及一架军用直升机,造成67人死亡。 The crash, which involved a military helicopter, resulted in 67 fatalities. 本周开始的恢复行动将持续数天,因为机组人员也将为收回直升机残骸而工作。 The recovery operation, which began this week, will continue for several days as crews also work to retrieve the helicopter wreckage.