美国航空公司的飞机和军用直升机在华盛顿特区机场附近相撞,没有幸存者。 American Airlines plane and military helicopter collide near D.C. airport, no survivors.
美国航空公司的一架飞机与一架军用直升机在华盛顿特区里根国家机场附近相撞,没有造成任何人员幸存。 The collision between an American Airlines plane and a military helicopter near Reagan National Airport in Washington, DC, resulted in no survivors. 任务已从救援转向恢复工作。 The mission has shifted from rescue to recovery efforts. 有关涉案人员具体身份的详细信息尚未公布。 Details about the specific identities of those involved have not been released.