商业飞机撞入华盛顿特区附近的波托马克河,详情和伤亡情况不明。 Commercial plane crashes into the Potomac River near D.C., details and casualties unknown.
一架商业飞机星期天在华盛顿市附近的波托马克河坠毁。 A commercial airplane crashed in the Potomac River near Washington D.C. on Sunday. 美国航空公司证实,该航班来自芝加哥,前往华盛顿。 官员尚未确定飞机或伤亡人数。 American Airlines confirmed the flight had originated from Chicago and was headed to D.C. Officials have not yet identified the aircraft or the number of casualties. 救援行动正在进行中,多个机构参与了搜索和恢复工作。 Rescue operations are ongoing, with multiple agencies involved in the search and recovery efforts. 坠机原因正在调查中。 The cause of the crash is under investigation.