救援队正在华盛顿特区附近的一个坠机现场打捞遗骸和残骸,那里有 67 人死亡。 Rescue teams are recovering remains and wreckage from a crash site near D.C. where 67 died.
工作人员正在努力从华盛顿特区附近的一个地点打捞遗骸和残骸,上周一架客机在那里与一架陆军直升机相撞。 Crews are working to recover remains and wreckage from a site near Washington, D.C., where a passenger jet collided with an Army helicopter last week. 事故造成 67 人死亡。 The accident resulted in 67 fatalities. 正在进行的工作重点是找回飞机的驾驶舱和其他遗骸,以确认和遣返受害者的身份。 The ongoing effort focuses on retrieving the plane's cockpit and other remains to identify and repatriate the victims.