波托马克河上空相撞造成 67 人死亡;55 例已确定,恢复正在进行中。 67 people died in midair collision over Potomac River; 55 identified, recovery ongoing.
在华盛顿特区波托马克河上空的空中相撞中,美国航空公司的一架喷气式飞机与一架军用直升机相撞,造成 67 人死亡。 In a midair collision over the Potomac River in Washington, D.C., 67 people were killed when an American Airlines jet collided with a military helicopter. 官员们已经确定了其中 55 名受害者的身份,恢复工作正在进行中,以确认其余人员的身份。 Officials have identified 55 of the victims, with recovery efforts ongoing to identify the remaining individuals. 该事件发生在周三,官员们相信,随着打捞行动的继续,所有受害者都将得到找回。 The incident occurred on Wednesday, and officials believe all victims will be recovered as the salvage operation continues.