CRTC继续决定允许加拿大主要电信公司与较小的竞争对手共享网络,以加强竞争。 CRTC maintains decision to allow major Canadian telecoms to share networks with smaller rivals, aiming to enhance competition.
加拿大的CRTC暂时维持了它的决定,即允许主要电信供应商向主要服务领域以外的小对手提供其网络的批发准入,目的是提高竞争和可负担性。 The CRTC in Canada has temporarily upheld its decision to allow major telecom providers to offer wholesale access to their networks to smaller rivals outside their main service areas, aiming to boost competition and affordability. 然而,较小的提供者认为,这可能会损害网络基础设施的竞争和投资。 However, smaller providers argue this could harm competition and investment in network infrastructure. CRTC计划在今年夏天做出最终决定。 The CRTC plans to make a final decision this summer.