加拿大寻求公众投入,以简化转换电信供应商和减少隐藏费用。 Canada seeks public input to simplify switching telecom providers and reduce hidden fees.
加拿大电信监管机构CRTC正在寻求公众对改革的投入,以改进消费者对其互联网和手机服务的控制。 Canada's telecom regulator, the CRTC, is seeking public input on changes to improve consumers' control over their internet and cellphone services. 这些协商持续到2025年1月9日,重点是简化关于计划终止的通知,禁止更改或取消计划的费用,以及实行账户变更的自助选择。 The consultations, running until January 9, 2025, focus on simplifying notifications about plan terminations, banning fees for changing or canceling plans, and introducing self-service options for account changes. 目标是让加拿大人更容易更换供应商,避免意外收费。 The goal is to make it easier for Canadians to switch providers and avoid unexpected charges.