加拿大设法简化互联网计划,采用标准化标签,显示价格和速度。 Canada seeks to simplify internet plans with standardized labels showing price and speed.
加拿大广播电视和电信委员会(CRTC)发起了一次协商,以简化家庭互联网计划选择,要求供应商使用类似于食品营养标签的标准标签,显示价格和速度。 The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has launched a consultation to simplify home internet plan choices by requiring providers to use standardized labels showing price and speed, akin to food nutrition labels. 2025年2月20日前接受反馈,6月10日起举行公开听证。 Feedback is accepted until February 20, 2025, with a public hearing starting June 10. 这一举措旨在帮助加拿大人方便地比较互联网计划,并跟踪最近侧重于加强消费者对电信服务的控制的其他磋商。 This initiative aims to help Canadians easily compare internet plans and follows other recent consultations focusing on enhancing consumer control over telecom services.