Telus反对联邦关于CRTC审查电信纤维网络接入情况的命令,理由是政府干预不当。 Telus fights federal order for CRTC review on telecom fibre network access, citing improper government interference.
Telus正在挑战一项联邦命令,该命令寻求CRTC审查加拿大顶级电信公司能否进入对方的纤维网络。 Telus is challenging a federal order that seeks a CRTC review on whether Canada's top telecom companies can access each other's fibre networks. Telus认为,联邦政府不适当地干涉了CRTC的一项独立决定,未能充分咨询各省的意见。 Telus argues the federal government improperly interfered with an independent CRTC decision and failed to consult provinces adequately. 工业部长François-Philippe香槟对较小的供应商接触到更多加拿大人表示关切。 Industry Minister François-Philippe Champagne has voiced concerns over smaller providers reaching more Canadians. 利益攸关方可在下个星期四之前向CRTC提供反馈意见。 Stakeholders can provide feedback to the CRTC until next Thursday.