CRTC 拒绝了加拿大贝尔公司阻止竞争对手使用网络的请求。 CRTC denies Bell Canada's request to prevent rivals' network usage.
加拿大广播电视和电信委员会 (CRTC) 拒绝了加拿大贝尔公司要求加快作出决定的请求,以防止大型运营商使用竞争对手的光纤网络提供服务。 The CRTC has rejected Bell Canada's request for an expedited decision to prevent large carriers from using rivals' fibre networks to offer services. 该请求于三月份提出,但因“未能提供造成无法挽回的损害的充分证据”而被驳回。 The request, filed in March, was denied as it "failed to provide sufficient evidence of irreparable harm". 去年秋天,加拿大广播电视和电信委员会 (CRTC) 裁定,贝尔和 Telus Corp. 必须向竞争对手提供其在安大略省和魁北克省的光纤网络访问权限。 This decision comes after the CRTC ruled last fall that Bell and Telus Corp. must provide competitors with access to their fibre networks in Ontario and Quebec. CRTC 目前正在审查这一问题,这可能会导致在全国批发框架下将该政策永久指导并应用于其他省份。 The CRTC is currently reviewing this issue, which could potentially lead to a permanent direction and application of this policy across other provinces under a national wholesale framework.