在大流行病期间,加拿大与酒精有关的死亡率上升了18%,将压力与更容易获得酒精联系起来。 Alcohol-related deaths in Canada surged 18% during the pandemic, linking stress and easier access to alcohol.
在大流行病期间,加拿大与酒精有关的死亡人数上升了18%,比预期增加1 600人,住院人数增加8%,2020年和2021年达到14%的峰值。 During the pandemic, alcohol-related deaths in Canada rose by 18%, with 1,600 more deaths than expected, and hospitalizations increased by 8%, peaking at 14% in 2020 and 2021. 压力、无聊和心理健康问题等因素,加上更容易获得酒精,都怪罪于这一上升。 Factors like stress, boredom, and mental health issues, along with easier access to alcohol, are blamed for the rise. 研究表明,在脆弱性加剧时增加酒精供应可能导致有害后果。 The study suggests that making alcohol more available during times of heightened vulnerability can lead to harmful consequences.