欧佩克+计划在4月提高石油产量, OPEC+ plans to increase oil output in April, ignoring U.S. pressure to lower prices.
欧佩克+决定继续其从4月开始逐步增加石油产量的计划, 尽管美国呼吁降低石油价格。 OPEC+ has decided to continue its plan to gradually increase oil output starting in April, despite calls from the US to lower oil prices. 该小组还将美国能源信息管理局从其监测生产和遵守情况的来源清单中删除,代之以Kpler、OilX和ESAI。 The group also removed the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) from its list of sources for monitoring production and compliance, replacing it with Kpler, OilX, and ESAI. OPEC+ 目前正在每天减产 585 万桶,并已将这些减产延长至 2025 年第一季度。 OPEC+ is currently cutting output by 5.85 million barrels per day and has extended these cuts through the first quarter of 2025.