Maka土著人民努力保护巴拉圭的圣地不受政府桥梁计划的影响。 Maká Indigenous people fight to protect their sacred land in Paraguay from government bridge plans.
巴拉圭的马卡土著人正在争取保留一块828英亩的神圣土地,称为Fray Bartolomé,1944年因查科战争期间的勇敢而授予他们的土地。 The Maká Indigenous people in Paraguay are battling to retain a sacred 828-acre land called Fray Bartolomé, granted to them in 1944 for their bravery during the Chaco War. 政府计划将部分土地用作桥梁,而谈判尚未解决争议。 The government plans to use part of the land for a bridge, and negotiations have not yet resolved the dispute. Maka人害怕失去文化遗产和祖传墓地。 The Maká fear losing their cultural heritage and ancestral burial sites.