为期30年的Ashaninka部落重新造林工作导致6 800万美元赠款,保护了特拉华大小的亚马孙地区。 30-year Ashaninka tribe reforestation efforts led to $6.8M grant, protecting Delaware-size Amazon territory.
巴西亚马逊西部的阿沙宁卡部落在过去30年中成功地重新开垦和重新植树造林了其领土,以多种植物取代牧场,包括水果和木材树及神圣植物。 The Ashaninka tribe of Brazil's western Amazon has successfully reclaimed and reforested their territory over the past 30 years, replacing pasture with diverse flora, including fruit and timber trees and sacred plants. 他们组建了一个组织,获得680万美元的赠款,以加强邻近土著土地的管理,覆盖特拉华州这个面积较大的地区。 They have formed an organization that secured a $6.8 million grant to enhance management in neighboring Indigenous lands, covering an area the size of Delaware. 该部落侧重于可持续性,并旨在保护该区域免受毁林和资源过度开发的影响。 The tribe focuses on sustainability and aims to protect the region from deforestation and resource overexploitation.