72%的成年人认为爱尔兰政客与青年面临的挑战,如住房和心理健康服务,没有联系. 72% of adults believe Irish politicians are disconnected from youth challenges, such as housing and mental health services.
最近爱尔兰全国青年理事会的RedC民调显示,72%的成年人认为政治家与年轻人面临的挑战脱节,包括住房危机和青年服务资金不足。 A recent RedC poll for the National Youth Council of Ireland reveals that 72% of adults believe politicians are disconnected from the challenges facing young people, including the housing crisis and underfunding of youth services. 关键调查结果表明,82%的人感到住房危机对青年的影响格外严重,58%的人认为心理健康服务不足。 Key findings show 82% feel the housing crisis disproportionately affects youth, and 58% think mental health services are inadequate. 纽约商会主张增加青年在政府中的代表权,并制订更好的政策来解决这些问题。 The NYCI advocates for increased youth representation in government and better policies to address these issues.