澳大利亚反对派要求因被指控的不当行为而免除EDO的830万澳元免税税。 Australian opposition seeks to strip $8.3M tax exemption from EDO over alleged misconduct.
澳大利亚联邦反对派正推动撤销环境捍卫者办公室(EDO)的免税地位, 因为它在2024年对证人进行辅导, The federal opposition in Australia is pushing to revoke the tax-exempt status of the Environmental Defenders Office (EDO) over allegations it coached witnesses and created false evidence against gas company Santos in 2024. EDO为环境事业提供免费法律支持,如果联盟赢得选举,纳税人资金可能损失830万美元。 The EDO, which provides free legal support for environmental causes, faces a potential loss of $8.3 million in taxpayer funding if the Coalition wins the election. 欧洲法律办公室坚称它是一个政治中立的法律服务, 支持保护自然和文化遗产. The EDO maintains it is a politically neutral legal service supporting the protection of nature and cultural heritage.