澳大利亚石油和天然气公司桑托斯面临对净零排放索赔的误导行为的指控,ACCR指控该公司“洗绿”。 Australian oil and gas company Santos faces allegations of misleading conduct over net-zero emissions claims, with ACCR accusing the company of "greenwashing."
澳大利亚石油和天然气公司 Santos 正面临对其声称到 2040 年实现净零排放的误导行为的指控。 Santos, an Australian oil and gas company, is facing allegations of misleading conduct over its claims to achieve net-zero emissions by 2040. 澳大利亚企业责任中心 (ACCR) 认为,桑托斯的目标缺乏可信的基础,将其称为“漂绿”。 The Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility (ACCR) argues that Santos lacks a credible basis for its targets, labeling them as "greenwashing." 正在进行的审判寻求对桑托斯的禁令,理由是桑托斯涉嫌歪曲其环境影响,而不是经济赔偿。 The ongoing trial seeks injunctions against Santos for allegedly misrepresenting its environmental impact, rather than financial damages.