积极分子对维多利亚州政府不恢复项目提出挑战,认为对环境和文化遗产可能造成损害。 Activists challenge Victorian gov't restoration project, arguing potential harm to environment and cultural heritage.
来自Nyah Vinifera公园之友的活跃分子在澳大利亚环境正义协会的支持下,对维多利亚州政府旨在恢复Nyah洪泛区水流的项目提出了法律质疑。 Activists from Friends of Nyah Vinifera Park, supported by Environmental Justice Australia, have filed a legal challenge against a Victorian government project aimed at restoring water flows in the Nyah floodplain. 他们认为,该项目包括建筑封闭结构,可以减少环境用水量,损害当地景观和文化遗产。 They argue the project, which includes building containment structures, could reduce environmental water availability and harm local landscapes and cultural heritage. 政府坚持该项目将改善环境卫生,并已得到彻底批准。 The government insists the project will enhance environmental health and has undergone thorough approvals.