西澳大利亚州劳工政府把大型项目排放评估转移给联邦政府。 Western Australia's Labor government transfers large-project emissions assessment to the federal government.
西澳大利亚州劳工政府计划将评估温室气体排放的责任从大型项目转移到联邦政府。 Western Australia's Labor government plans to shift the responsibility for assessing greenhouse gas emissions from large projects to the federal government. 环境部长Reece Whitby宣布, 国家环境保护局(EPA)将不再评估每年排放100 000吨二氧化碳或更多二氧化碳的项目。 Environment Minister Reece Whitby announced that the state’s Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) will no longer evaluate projects emitting 100,000 tonnes of CO2 or more annually. 随着联邦保护机制的加强, 环境保护署的以前权力变得多余. This change follows the strengthening of the Commonwealth's safeguard mechanism, rendering the EPA's previous powers redundant.