一架军用直升机和商用飞机在DC.C.附近相撞,造成67人死亡,其中包括军舰长Rebecca Lobach。 A military helicopter and commercial plane collided near D.C., killing 67 people, including decorated Army Captain Rebecca Lobach.
1月29日,一架黑鹰军用直升机与美国航空公司一架飞机在华盛顿市附近发生空中碰撞,造成67人死亡。 A mid-air collision near Washington D.C. between a military Black Hawk helicopter and an American Airlines plane killed 67 people on January 29. 受害者中包括陆军上尉Rebecca Lobach,他是一名高度装饰的航空官员,飞行时间超过450小时。 Among the victims was Army Captain Rebecca Lobach, a highly decorated aviation officer with over 450 hours of flight time. 碰撞原因正在调查之中,初步数据表明直升机飞行高于允许的高度。 The cause of the collision is under investigation, with preliminary data suggesting the helicopter was flying above the allowed altitude. 国家运输安全理事会正在审查这两架飞机的飞行数据。 The National Transportation Safety Board is reviewing flight data from both aircraft. 直升机飞行员的名字比其他飞行员的名字公布得晚,引起猜测,但没有提供官方解释。 The names of the helicopter pilots were released later than the others, sparking speculation but with no official explanation provided.