ESB网络努力恢复47 000个爱尔兰家庭在冬季风暴后仍无电的电力供应。 ESB Networks works to restore power to 47,000 Irish homes still without electricity after winter storms.
许多爱尔兰家庭正面临第二周无电,ESB网络已经恢复了721,000户家庭的电力供应,但仍有约47 000名客户得不到供电。 Many Irish households are facing their second week without power, with ESB Networks having restored electricity to 721,000 homes but still leaving around 47,000 customers without supply. 恢复工作在继续进行,但在最有缺陷的地区被拖延。 Restoration efforts continue but are delayed in areas with the most faults. 受挫的顾客已进入社交媒体,分享他们的经验和所面临的困难,特别是老年人所面临的困难。 Frustrated customers have taken to social media to share their experiences and the hardships faced, especially by the elderly.