美国人加入“2025年不买的挑战”以节省钱财, 受经济不确定性及社交媒体的影响。 Americans join "No Buy 2025 Challenge" to save money, influenced by economic uncertainty and social media.
美国人正在加入“2025年无买挑战”和“Pan项目”, 承诺在产品离开之前减少购买和使用, Americans are joining the "No Buy 2025 Challenge" and "Project Pan," pledging to buy less and use items until they're gone, to save money amid rising prices and economic uncertainty. 在社会媒体和拟议经济政策的影响下,该运动旨在减少非必需品支出,促进可持续性,使参与者节省数千人。 Influenced by social media and proposed economic policies, the movement aims to reduce spending on non-essentials and promote sustainability, with participants saving thousands. 经济专家指出,这一趋势可能会影响消费者的习惯,但如果没有更广泛的参与,很可能不会对更广泛的经济产生重大影响。 Economic experts note the trend could influence consumer habits but likely won't significantly impact the broader economy without wider participation.