跨性别者对特朗普的行政命令提出诉讼 要求在美国文件上 进行出生性认定 Transgender individuals sue over Trump's executive order requiring birth-assigned sex on U.S. documents.
7名变性人和非二元性人已经对特朗普总统的行政命令提起诉讼,该行政命令要求美国政府只承认出生时在官方文件中指定的一个人的性别。 Seven transgender and nonbinary individuals have filed a lawsuit against President Trump's executive order, which requires the U.S. government to recognize only a person's sex assigned at birth on official documents. 以美国公民自由联盟为代表的原告声称,国务院一直在拒绝申请,发放带有出生性别的性文件,造成变性人对其旅行和身份的不确定性和恐惧。 The plaintiffs, represented by the ACLU, claim that the State Department has been rejecting applications and issuing documents with birth-assigned sex, causing uncertainty and fear among transgender people regarding their travel and identity. 诉讼辩称,该政策侵犯了宪法权利,并威胁到变性人的安全和隐私。 The lawsuit argues that the policy violates constitutional rights and threatens the safety and privacy of transgender individuals.