在特朗普就职典礼后,联邦政府关于生殖权利和多样性问题的网站离线。 Federal government websites on reproductive rights and diversity issues went offline after Trump's inauguration.
在特朗普总统就职后,几个联邦政府网站(包括侧重于生殖权利和多样性、公平和包容的网站)停线。 Following President Trump's inauguration, several federal government websites, including those focused on reproductive rights and diversity, equity, and inclusion, went offline. 白宫表示,作为向新政府网站过渡的一部分,这些网页暂时无法查阅,因此将恢复。 The White House stated these pages were temporarily unavailable as part of the transition to the new administration's website and would be restored. 然而,白宫没有针对新闻界的询问提供进一步的细节。 However, the White House has not provided further details in response to inquiries from the press.