新奥尔良港创下了纪录,2024年有120万游轮旅客,促进了当地经济。 Port of New Orleans sets record with 1.2 million cruise passengers in 2024, boosting local economy.
新奥尔良港在2024年打破了纪录,接待了120多万游轮旅客,成为美国第六大游轮港口。 The Port of New Orleans broke a record in 2024, welcoming over 1.2 million cruise passengers, making it the sixth largest U.S. cruise port. 90%的乘客来自州外, 在当地花费超过1.25亿美金。 Ninety percent of these passengers come from out of state, spending over $125 million locally. 主要游轮,如嘉年华、皇家加勒比和挪威,加强了承诺,计划于2025年建造新的帆船和港口停靠,进一步推动当地经济。 Major cruise lines like Carnival, Royal Caribbean, and Norwegian have strengthened their commitments, with new sailings and port calls planned for 2025, further boosting the local economy.