马耳他瓦莱塔巡航港在2024年创下940 000名乘客的点击记录,比2019年增加了4%。 Malta's Valletta Cruise Port hits record with 940,000 passengers in 2024, a 4% rise from 2019.
2024年,马耳他瓦莱塔游轮港的乘客人数达到创纪录的940 000人,比2019年大流行前高峰增加4%。 In 2024, Valletta Cruise Port in Malta saw a record 940,000 passengers, a 4% increase from the pre-pandemic peak of 2019. 该港口欢迎357艘游轮,为马耳他经济注入了约8 800万欧元。 The port welcomed 357 cruise ships, injecting around €88 million into Malta's economy. 官员们强调了该行业的复原力以及为加强乘客经验和环境可持续性所做的努力,包括对减少污染基础设施的投资。 Officials highlighted the industry's resilience and efforts to enhance passenger experience and environmental sustainability, including investments in pollution-reducing infrastructure.