嘉年华游轮公司与坦帕湾港建立了30年的伙伴关系,占该港年收入的20%。 Carnival Cruise Lines marks 30 years of partnership with Port Tampa Bay, contributing 20% of the port's annual revenue.
嘉年华游轮公司正庆祝与坦帕湾港合作30年, Carnival Cruise Lines is celebrating 30 years of partnership with Port Tampa Bay, significantly boosting the local economy by contributing 20% of the port's annual revenue. 自1994年以来,这种合作促进了全年航行,对当地企业每次航行产生了400 000美元的经济影响。 This collaboration has facilitated year-round sailings since 1994, generating a $400,000 economic impact per cruise for local businesses. 嘉年华计划在2024年10月推出更大的嘉年华传奇,同时还致力于通过捐款和社区参与努力开展环境倡议. Carnival plans to introduce the larger Carnival Legend in October 2024, while also committing to environmental initiatives with donations and community engagement efforts.