一名麦迪逊军官在9月的追逐中向一个男子开枪,不会面临指控,被认为是合法的自卫。 A Madison officer who shot at a man during a chase in September will not face charges, deemed lawful self-defense.
一名麦迪逊警官不会因在2024年9月的追逐中向一名男子开枪而面临指控。 A Madison police officer will not face charges for shooting at a man during a chase in September 2024. 这名军官在感觉到他认为是一把手枪后开枪,看到那个人举起他的手臂,好像开枪一样。 The officer fired after feeling what he believed to be a handgun and seeing the man raise his arm as if to shoot. 该男子曾被控持械抢劫,但没有受伤,他的枪后来被发现。 The man, who had a prior armed robbery charge, was not injured, and his gun was found later. 地区检察官根据自卫法认定该警官的行动合法。 The District Attorney found the officer's actions lawful under self-defense laws.