在Jacksonville,一名司机的枪在交通站时意外射出时,腿部中弹。 In Jacksonville, a driver was shot in the leg when his gun accidentally discharged during a traffic stop.
在Jacksonville的一个交通站期间,一名司机被射中腿部,当时一名警官试图从他的腰带上取下来时,他自己的枪不小心被射出。 During a traffic stop in Jacksonville, a driver was shot in the leg when his own gun accidentally discharged while an officer was trying to remove it from his waistband. 司机向军官通报了枪的情况,并在事件发生时给予合作。 The driver, who had informed the officer about the gun, was cooperating when the incident occurred. Jacksonville警长办公室(JSO)正在调查这起事件, The Jacksonville Sheriff's Office (JSO) is investigating the event as an "incident," not an officer-involved shooting. 司机被送往医院,可能面临违反民事交通规定的行为,但预计不会受到指控。 The driver was taken to a hospital and may face a civil traffic violation but is not expected to be charged.