弗吉尼亚军官在认为正当的对峙期间开枪射杀武装自杀嫌疑人 Virginia officer's shooting of armed, suicidal suspect during standoff deemed justified.
弗吉尼亚州联邦检察官认为,韦恩斯伯勒警官在 4 月份枪杀凯文·大卫·泰勒二世 (Kevin David Taylor II) 在长达一小时的对峙中是合理的。 Virginia's Commonwealth's Attorney found a Waynesboro police officer's shooting of Kevin David Taylor II in April to be justified during an hour-long standoff. 泰勒涉嫌开枪射击,他一再要求警察杀死他,发现他车内有两支手枪。 Taylor, who was suspected of a shooting, repeatedly called for the police to kill him and was found with two handguns in his car. 由于泰勒的武装和危险性质,这名军官的行动被认为是正当的,危及他周围的军官和其他人。 The officer's actions were deemed justified due to Taylor's armed and dangerous nature, endangering both officers and others around him.