研究将听力丧失和儿童铅接触与第十代老年痴呆症风险较高联系起来。 Study links hearing loss and childhood lead exposure to higher dementia risks in Generation X.
弗吉尼亚大学神经学教授Anelyssa D'Abreu博士将听力损失与老年痴呆风险增加联系起来。 Dr. Anelyssa D’Abreu, a neurology professor at the University of Virginia, links hearing loss with an increased risk of dementia. 一项研究表明,十代人由于儿童接触含铅汽油而面临更高的痴呆风险。 A study indicates that Generation X faces higher dementia risk due to childhood exposure to leaded gasoline. 虽然没有治疗方法,但用助听器治疗听力丧失和保持健康的生活方式,包括锻炼、戒烟、减少酒精摄入、控制体重和保持社会活跃,可能有助于防止认知下降。 While no cure exists, treating hearing loss with hearing aids and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including exercise, quitting smoking, reducing alcohol intake, managing weight, and staying socially active, may help prevent cognitive decline.