Morehouse学院院长警告特朗普冻结资金会严重威胁高等教育。 Morehouse College president warns Trump's funding freeze could severely threaten higher education.
Morehouse学院院长警告说,特朗普的联邦资金冻结可能对高等教育构成生存威胁,这与COVID-19大流行的影响相似。 Morehouse College's president warns that Trump's federal funding freeze could pose an existential threat to higher education, similar to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. 这一冻结在1月的备忘录中宣布,影响到数十亿的援助,并引起学生和机构的关切,特别是历史上的Morehouse等黑人学院。 This freeze, announced in a January memo, affects billions in aid and has caused concern among students and institutions, especially historically Black colleges like Morehouse. 虽然学生贷款和佩尔补助金不受影响,但联邦工作研究方案和研究资金可能受到影响,导致一些学院实行冻结雇用。 While student loans and Pell Grants are unaffected, federal work-study programs and research funding could be impacted, leading some colleges to implement hiring freezes.