根据特朗普命令冻结联邦资金扰乱了幼儿教育、医疗补助付款。 Freeze on federal funds under Trump order disrupts early childhood education, Medicaid payments.
特朗普总统冻结联邦拨款和贷款的命令导致幼儿教育中心和各州难以获得医疗补助和启蒙计划等项目的关键资金。 President Trump's order to freeze federal grants and loans led to difficulties for early childhood education centers and states in accessing crucial funding for programs like Medicaid and Head Start. 员工面临支付网站的问题,导致对工资单和供应商付款的担忧。 Staff faced issues with payment websites, causing concerns over payroll and vendor payments. 冻结引发了法律挑战,并被联邦法官暂时停止,直到 2 月 3 日。 The freeze sparked legal challenges and was temporarily halted by a federal judge until February 3. 白宫后来澄清说,基本项目不应该受到影响。 The White House later clarified that essential programs were not meant to be affected.