希腊警方逮捕在网上出售古物的外国国民;没收的文物。 Greek police arrest foreign national for selling ancient artifacts online; relics seized.
希腊警方在雅典逮捕了一名外国国民,涉嫌组织网上拍卖,在国际上出售古希腊文物。 Greek police have arrested a foreign national in Athens suspected of organizing online auctions to sell ancient Greek artifacts internationally. 在对她的家进行突袭时,警察抢走了一些古老的遗迹,包括陶器碎片和雕像。 During a raid on her home, officers seized several ancient relics including pottery fragments and a statuette. 嫌疑人现在正面临指控,根据希腊法律,可能判处2至10年徒刑。 The suspect is now facing charges, with potential prison sentences ranging from two to ten years under Greek law.