希腊警察因走私 225 磅大麻在希腊西北部被捕,引发追捕和撞车事故。 Greek police officer arrested in northwestern Greece for smuggling 225 lbs of marijuana, leading to chase and crash.
一名希腊警察因涉嫌使用他的服务车在希腊西北部走私 225 磅大麻而因毒品指控被捕。 A Greek police officer was arrested on drug charges after allegedly using his service car to smuggle 225 pounds of marijuana in northwestern Greece. 嫌疑人带领当局展开追捕,然后撞上停放的汽车,导致他与一名阿尔巴尼亚男子一起被拘留在一辆没有标记的警车中。 The suspect led authorities on a chase before crashing into parked cars, resulting in his detainment along with an Albanian man in the unmarked police vehicle. 事件发生地伊古迈尼察地区靠近阿尔巴尼亚边境,大量大麻被走私到希腊。 The Igoumenitsa area, where the incident occurred, is near the border with Albania, where large quantities of marijuana are smuggled into Greece.