希腊当局在雅典逮捕了一名国际刑警组织通缉的意大利团伙成员,该团伙走私拉丁美洲燃料产品,获利 210 亿美元,并将引渡到委内瑞拉。 Greek authorities arrested an Interpol-wanted Italian gang member smuggling Latin American fuel products, netting $21bn, in Athens for extradition to Venezuela.
希腊当局逮捕了一个走私拉丁美洲燃料产品的国际团伙的一名高级成员,该团伙的利润估计为 210 亿美元。 Greek authorities arrested a senior member of an international gang smuggling Latin American fuel products, making an estimated $21bn profit. 该团伙成员是意大利公民,持有国际刑警组织逮捕令,他在雅典被发现,并将被引渡到委内瑞拉接受审判。 The gang member, an Italian national with an Interpol warrant, was found in Athens and is set for extradition to Venezuela for trial. 该团伙从拉丁美洲港口偷窃燃料产品,关闭跟踪设备,然后在世界各地非法出售。 The gang stole fuel products from Latin American ports, switched off tracking devices, and sold them illegally worldwide.