希腊将1,000多枚古老硬币归还土耳其, Greece returns over 1,000 ancient coins to Turkey, marking a first in cultural repatriation.
希腊已将2019年海关扣押的1,000多枚古老硬币首次归还土耳其。 Greece has returned over 1,000 ancient coins, seized by customs in 2019, to Turkey in the first repatriation of its kind. 这些硬币被确定是非法进口的,其中包括来自雅典、帕菲利亚和塞浦路斯等古城的碎片。 The coins, determined to be illegally imported, include pieces from ancient cities like Athens, Pamphylia, and Cyprus. 希腊文化部长Lina Mendoni感谢土耳其支持希腊从大英博物馆中夺回帕台农神庙大理石雕像的运动。 Greek Culture Minister Lina Mendoni thanked Turkey for supporting Greece's campaign to recover the Parthenon Marbles from the British Museum. 这两个国家都强调合作打击文化贩运。 Both countries emphasized collaboration against cultural trafficking.