希腊警方破解了自2019年以来剥削哥伦比亚妇女的性贩运圈子,解救29名受害者。 Greek police broke up a sex trafficking ring that exploited Colombian women since 2019, rescuing 29 victims.
希腊警方拆除了一个针对哥伦比亚妇女的性贩运团伙,该团伙自2019年以来一直在运作。 Greek police dismantled a sex trafficking ring targeting Colombian women that operated since 2019. 该团体强迫这些妇女从事性工作,并在抵达希腊时拿走了她们的身份证件。 The group forced the women into sex work and had taken their ID documents upon arrival in Greece. 当局逮捕了被指控的领导人和八名成员,为29名受害者提供了保护。 Authorities arrested the alleged leader and eight members, providing protection to 29 victims. 这项行动是根据受害人的证词进行的,包括对公寓和脱衣舞俱乐部的突袭。 The operation was based on a victim's testimony and included raids on apartments and strip clubs.