梵蒂冈发布了人工智能使用指南,强调人类监督和道德考虑。 Vatican issues guidelines for AI use, stressing human oversight and ethical considerations.
梵蒂冈发布了一份题为“Antiqua et Nova”的文件,概述了人工智能 (AI) 在医疗保健和战争等领域的使用道德准则。 The Vatican released a document titled "Antiqua et Nova" that outlines ethical guidelines for artificial intelligence (AI) use across sectors like healthcare and warfare. 它强调人工智能应该补充而不是取代人类智能,并且必须维护人类尊严和公共利益。 It emphasizes that AI should complement, not replace, human intelligence and must uphold human dignity and the common good. 该文件警告不要滥用人工智能,包括传播错误信息和扰乱劳动力市场,并呼吁人工监督以确保人工智能以合乎道德的方式为人类服务。 The document warns against AI misuse, including spreading misinformation and disrupting labor markets, and calls for human oversight to ensure AI serves humanity ethically.