教宗方济各在新加坡警告人工智能存在风险, 并倡导为移民工人提供公平的工资. Pope Francis in Singapore warns about AI risks and advocates for fair wages for migrant workers.
教皇弗朗西斯在访问新加坡期间警告说,人工智能(AI)具有潜在的负面影响,强调人工智能有可能孤立个人和扭曲现实。 During his visit to Singapore, Pope Francis warned about the potential negative effects of artificial intelligence (AI), emphasizing its risks of isolating individuals and distorting reality. 他敦促人工智能应该促进社区和人类联系, 而不是削弱它们. He urged that AI should foster community and human connections, not detract from them. 此外,教皇倡导移徙工人获得公平工资,强调他们的贡献和保护他们免受剥削的必要性。 Additionally, the Pope advocated for fair wages for migrant workers, highlighting their contributions and the need for protection against exploitation. 这次访问标志着他广泛的亚洲之行结束。 This visit marks the conclusion of his extensive Asian tour.