46%的专业人士认为人工智能有社会利益的潜力,但50%认为它是最高的道德风险;司法部更新了人工智能合规框架. 46% of professionals see AI's potential for social good, but 50% view it as the top ethical risk; DOJ updates AI compliance framework.
德勤的一项调查显示,超过一半的1800名专业人士认为人工智能是新兴技术中最具道德风险的产品, 引发了有关道德和数据隐私的担忧. A Deloitte survey reveals that over half of 1,800 professionals view AI as the top ethical risk among emerging technologies, raising concerns about ethics and data privacy. 虽然 46% 的人看到了 AI 在社会公益方面的潜力,但员工之间的信任度有所下降。 While 46% see AI's potential for social good, trust among employees has declined. 作为回应,司法部更新了其合规框架,评估人工智能的伦理影响,重点关注设计,实施和有效性,同时评估企业在刑事调查中使用人工智能. In response, the DOJ has updated its compliance framework to assess AI's ethical implications, focusing on design, implementation, and effectiveness, while evaluating corporate use of AI in criminal investigations.