将科技发展与基督教价值观相结合的道德硕士计划。 Catholic university launches AI ethics master’s program aligning tech development with Christian values.
国际天主教大学将在2025年8月推出新的士课程,专注于人工智能和新兴技术的伦理和以人为中心的设计,并整合基督教原则. Catholic International University is introducing a new Master's program in August 2025 focusing on the ethical and human-centered design of AI and emerging technologies, integrating Christian principles. 该方案响应梵蒂冈对人工智能风险的关切,旨在培训学生开发以人的尊严为优先事项的技术。 The program responds to Vatican concerns about AI risks and aims to train students to develop technology that prioritizes human dignity. 课程由顶级人工智能专家教授, 报名时间为2025年3月1日. It will be taught by top AI experts and opens for registration on March 1, 2025.