罗马天主教会参与人工智能开发,以确保它有利于人类,并符合道德标准. Catholic Church engages in AI development to ensure it benefits humanity and aligns with ethical standards.
天主教会正在积极参与发展人工智能,以确保它为人类服务并促进共同利益。 The Catholic Church is actively engaging in the development of artificial intelligence (AI) to ensure it serves humanity and promotes the common good. Philip Larrey神父等专家强调了包括人类灭绝在内的潜在风险,但他们也强调了道德发展和人类行为在塑造人工智能中的重要性。 While experts like Father Philip Larrey highlight potential risks, including human extinction, they also emphasize the importance of ethical development and human behavior in shaping AI. 教会在AI工具中看到了各种机会,如天主教教义的闲谈场所CatéGPT,以加强其学说的交流。 The Church sees opportunities in AI tools like CatéGPT, a chatbot for Catholic teachings, to enhance communication of its doctrines. 专注于促进伦理学家和人工智能开发者之间的对话, 以优先考虑人类福利和伦理标准. The focus is on fostering dialogue between ethicists and AI developers to prioritize human welfare and ethical standards.