Paul Pelaez因严重攻击在Fargo被捕;SWAT因其犯罪历史而使用。 Paul Pelaez was arrested in Fargo for an aggravated assault; SWAT was used due to his criminal history.
Paul Pelaez是一名36岁的Fargo居民,1月29日因12月的一次严重攻击而被捕。 Paul Pelaez, a 36-year-old Fargo resident, was arrested on January 29 for an aggravated assault that occurred in December. 此次逮捕涉及在他位于南 25 街 5900 街区的家中发出高风险搜查令,并得到了红河谷特警和地铁街犯罪部门的协助。 The arrest involved a high-risk search warrant at his home in the 5900 block of 25th Street South, with assistance from the Red River Valley SWAT and Metro Street Crimes Unit. Pelaez从2018年起曾被指控犯有严重攻击罪,因此在逮捕他时使用了SWAT小队。 Pelaez has a prior aggravated assault charge from 2018, which led to the use of the SWAT team in his arrest.