33岁的Michael Peltier因违反与性攻击、强迫监禁和威胁有关的保释条件而被捕。 33-year-old Michael Peltier arrested for violating bail conditions related to sexual assault, forcible confinement, and threats.
Windsor警察于10月17日逮捕了33岁的Michael Peltier, 罪名是违反多项严重指控的保释条件, Windsor police arrested 33-year-old Michael Peltier on October 17 for violating bail conditions related to multiple serious charges, including sexual assault, forcible confinement, and threats. 在调查发现他违反了软禁之后,他在Amherstburg被捕。 He was apprehended in Amherstburg after an investigation revealed he breached house arrest. 目前,Peltier因未遵守释放令而面临另外两项罪状。 Peltier now faces two additional counts for failing to comply with his release order. 作为安大略省保释制度改进的一部分,罪犯管理股负责监督受监督的个人。 The Offender Management Unit oversees individuals under monitoring as part of Ontario's bail system improvements.