Fargo警察在两次家庭抢劫后逮捕了Manuel Santos Herbert Perez Jr.;他在Red River附近的帐篷中被发现。 Fargo police arrested Manuel Santos Herbert Perez Jr. after two home robberies; he was found in a tent near the Red River.
法戈警察和特警队逮捕了33岁的Manuel Santos Herbert Perez Jr 33岁,因为据报11月26日星期二晚上在北法戈发生两起家庭抢劫事件。 Fargo Police and SWAT arrested 33-year-old Manuel Santos Herbert Perez Jr. after reports of two home robberies in North Fargo on Tuesday night, November 26. Perez被发现在Red River附近的帐篷里,星期三清晨在一次对峙后被拘押。 Perez, found in a tent near the Red River, was taken into custody early Wednesday morning following a standoff. 他面临持枪抢劫的指控。 He faces charges of robbery with a firearm. 与逮捕无关的是,附近一个帐篷起火,但没有报告有人受伤。 Unrelated to the arrest, a nearby tent caught fire but no injuries were reported.