法戈在男子用手枪威胁两人后发布就地避难令;注意到系统缺陷。 Fargo issues shelter-in-place order after man threatens two with a handgun; system flaws noted.
法戈警方于星期天早上逮捕了43岁的Nearia Gibson, 因为他用手枪威胁两个人。 Fargo police arrested 43-year-old Nearia Gibson on Sunday morning after he threatened two people with a handgun. 上午3时45分左右发布了临时住所令,在Gibson于上午7时55分被捕后解除。 A shelter-in-place order was issued around 3:45 a.m. and lifted after Gibson's arrest at 7:55 a.m. 一些居民报告说,他们没有收到最初的警报,只是在命令被解除时才得到通知。 Some residents reported not receiving the initial alert, only getting notification when the order was lifted. 警察正在调查这一事件和警戒系统问题。 The police are investigating the incident and the alert system issues.